Episode 426

426: Designing, Developing, Testing, & Productizing a Board Game with Ben Ruiz


September 2nd, 2024

54 mins 38 secs

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About this Episode

Buy Age of Angra: https://monumenthobbies.com/pages/age-of-angra

James sits down with his good friend Ben to talk about how he designed, developed, tested, and fully productized his new board game Age of Angra. We go deep into what the process is like, how it compares to video game development, and of course all about Age of Angra!

Ben: https://benruiz.net/
DINOGOD: https://dinogod.com/

How to Play Age of Angra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QGC6QvSebg&pp=ygUMYWdlIG9mIGFuZ3Jh

Age of Angra Live Play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiIbpHX9sxA&pp=ygUMYWdlIG9mIGFuZ3Jh

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