Merge Conflict
Join Frank & James for a weekly discussion on the world of technology and development including C#, F#, .NET, web, mobile, and more.
We found 10 episodes of Merge Conflict with the tag “dotnet”.
373: Installing the .NET 9 Alpha
August 28th, 2023 | 38 mins 9 secs
.net, dotnet, dotnet 9, installer
That is right... .NET 8 RC isn't out yet and .NET 9 is here already and we installed it! We discuss how to install the latest bits of .NET and why you may need them.
367: NativeAOT for iOS & .NET MAUI Lands in VS Code
July 17th, 2023 | 39 mins 50 secs
.net, .net maui, dotnet, dotnetmaui, nativeaot, vscode
.NET 8 is on the way and we have some great updates on C# 12, NativeAOT for .NET iOS apps, and oh.... .NET MAUI gets a VS Code extension!!! Tune in!
362: Developer Productivity - C# 12, Dev Tunnels, C# Dev Kit
June 12th, 2023 | 37 mins 56 secs
c# 12, csharp, dotnet, dotnet maui
It is follow up week on some topics we touched on earlier. We first break down our thoughts on C# 12's new Collection Literals, Apple Vision Pro + iCircuit, iOS 17, and some great developer productivity feature for .NET.
359: Publishing Android Apps to Amazon App Store + Windows 11
May 22nd, 2023 | 44 mins 22 secs
.net, amazon app store, android, android app store, dotnet, visual studio, was, windows 11, windows subsystem, xamarin, xamarin.forms
James is on a mission to get his app on as many platforms as possible. This time he dives through his journey of getting his Android apps into the Amazon App Store which also means onto Windows 11! What did he have to do and what was the experience like for his end users?
358: Google I/O 2023 Recap - AI 🤔, Dark Mode 🎉
May 15th, 2023 | 40 mins 32 secs
android, android studio, dotnet, google, google i/o, google io, pixel, xamarin
It's conference season and Google kicks off things with lots and lots of AI at Google I/O 2023. We break down the latest happenings from the main keynotes including new Android Wear APIs, Pixel folding devices, AI infused Android Studio, Android 14, WebAssembly goodies, and so much more including AI.
357: The Zune UI was the Best UI
May 8th, 2023 | 34 mins 48 secs
.net, dotnet, dotnetmaui, guardians, hd, windows, xamarin, xaml, zune
That is right! Everyone's favorite MP3 player is back! This time due to a collaboration with Guardians of the Galaxy, but it doesn't matter because Hanselman and others have found ways to revive it in 2023. We discuss the Zune software, UI stack, why we loved it, and why it may have been the best XAML to XAML.
355: Previewing the Preview of C# 12
April 24th, 2023 | 38 mins 45 secs
.net, c#, csharp, dotnet
It is that time of year again! New C# features! That is right, .NET 8 Preview 3 just dropped and with it is the first preview features of C# 12 including Primary constructors for non-record classes and structs, using aliases for any type, and default values for lambda expression parameters. We break them all down!
354: .NET Native AOT Apps Fit on a Floppy Disk!
April 17th, 2023 | 43 mins 41 secs
.net, aot, dotnet, microsoft build, native aot
With Microsoft Build and .NET 8 right around the corner, the team is hard at work optimizing the runtime to fit full Native AOT apps down under 1.44MB! That is right, it fits fully on a floppy disk! We discuss all things AOT and what you need to know.
348: ChatGPT Comes to the Command Line
March 6th, 2023 | 42 mins 39 secs
.net, askgpt, chatgpt, dotnet
Frank builds a command line interface for ChatGTP with .NET!
346: Calling .NET Libraries from Rust with Native AOT
February 20th, 2023 | 33 mins 28 secs
dotnet, native aot, rust
Native AOT can be used for more than just making super fast apps... you can compile your libraries down to C and use them anywhere!