Merge Conflict
Join Frank & James for a weekly discussion on the world of technology and development including C#, F#, .NET, web, mobile, and more.
We found 1 episode of Merge Conflict with the tag “skia”.
Merge Conflict 66: Drawing Pixels with SkiaSharp
October 9th, 2017 | 45 mins 34 secs
2d graphics, crossgraphics, google, ios, microcharts, ngraphics, pixel event, skia, skiasharp, urhosharp, xamarin, xamarin.forms
Google announces a slew of new products including the brand new Pixel 2, which means James has finally placed an order for a new phone. We break down the full Pixel event, but go deeper into our topic of the week of 2D and 3D cross-platform drawing libraries with SkiaSharp.