Merge Conflict
Join Frank & James for a weekly discussion on the world of technology and development including C#, F#, .NET, web, mobile, and more.
We found 10 episodes of Merge Conflict with the tag “windows”.
357: The Zune UI was the Best UI
May 8th, 2023 | 34 mins 48 secs
.net, dotnet, dotnetmaui, guardians, hd, windows, xamarin, xaml, zune
That is right! Everyone's favorite MP3 player is back! This time due to a collaboration with Guardians of the Galaxy, but it doesn't matter because Hanselman and others have found ways to revive it in 2023. We discuss the Zune software, UI stack, why we loved it, and why it may have been the best XAML to XAML.
308: James & Frank Go To Build 2022!
May 30th, 2022 | 44 mins 41 secs
.net maui, dev blox, dotnet maui, maui, volterra, windows, wsa, wsl, xamarin, xaml
Frank and James cover all the great developer bits from Build 2022 including Win UI 3, Project Voleterra, Arm64, .NET MAUI Launch, and so much more.
296: NSUrl, Security Scope, & Bookmarks
March 7th, 2022 | 46 mins 24 secs
.net, .net maui, android, dotnet maui, ios, macos, nsurl, security, windows, xamarin
Who doesn't love security? Who doesn't love security inside of the app sandbox?!?! We break down file-access and all of its complexity when building sandboxed apps for iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows!
293: dotnet-trace with dotnet-monitor through dotnet-dsrouter
February 14th, 2022 | 41 mins 32 secs
android, dotnet, dotnet-monitor, dotnet-trace, ios, mac, windows, xamarin
Measure, measure, measure with dotnet-trace a "new" tool that Frank has been exploring to make apps super performant.
290: The .NET MAUI Episode
January 24th, 2022 | 45 mins
android, dotnet maui, ios, maui, minimal api, visual studio, windows, xamarin
We answer all of your questions! Which seem to mostly be about .NET MAUI :)
263: Building Computers
July 19th, 2021 | 41 mins 34 secs
build, computer, desktop, linux, mobile, windows, xamarin
Frank and I decided to build and upgrade our computers. How did we decide what to build and what are we building them for?
261: Windows 11 Insider Preview
July 5th, 2021 | 49 mins 32 secs
android, ios, windows, windows 11, xamarin
Windows 11 event ✅, Windows 11 developer event ✅, Windows 11 installed ✅
252: Linux GUI Apps on Windows - WSLg
May 3rd, 2021 | 30 mins 50 secs
android, gui, ios, linux, maui, windows, wsl, xamarin
WSL is amazing.... but WSLg now enables you to run Linux GUI apps directly from your Windows machine!?!?! We discuss the possibilities.
250: To The Moon
April 19th, 2021 | 48 mins 40 secs
android, flutter, ios, mac book, react native, windows, wwdc, xamarin
We celebrate our 250th episode by answering as many questions as we can from YOU, our listeners!
221: Swift on Windows, Clean Code, and iOS 14
September 28th, 2020 | 42 mins 12 secs
clean code, database, ios 14, maui, swift, windows, xamarin
Now back to our normally scheduled lightning topics with awesome listener suggestions including Swift on Windows, .NET Maui, Database selection, clean code, iOS 14, and more.