Merge Conflict
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
455 episodes of Merge Conflict since the first episode, which aired on July 11th, 2016.
Merge Conflict 6: Debugging the Daily Process
August 15th, 2016 | 38 mins 47 secs
debugging, mobile apps, productivity, xamarin
There is a constant influx of notifications from Slack, e-mail, text messages, and news alerts. This week we discuss how to keep productivity high even with all this going on.
Merge Conflict 5: Programming Languages: Gotta Collect 'em All
August 8th, 2016 | 32 mins 38 secs
c#, f#, go, learning, programming languages
C# and F# and Go! Oh my! There are just so many lovely programming languages to learn, but where to start? This week we take a look at what worked for us and what didn’t.
Merge Conflict 4: How Not to Maintain a Server
August 1st, 2016 | 40 mins 27 secs, azure functions, icloud, lambda, server, serverless, xamarin
This week Frank & James discuss the importance of a great local experience, server maintenance, and Apple’s amazing CloudKit.
Merge Conflict 3: Your First Open Source Project
July 25th, 2016 | 48 mins 52 secs
github, open source, oss, xamarin
What happens after that Initial Commit to GitHub? This week on Merge Conflict we discuss how we go about starting new repositories on GitHub.
Merge Conflict 2: Augmented Reality #PokemonGo
July 18th, 2016 | 38 mins 2 secs
ar, augmented reality, pokemon go, virtual reality, vr, xamarin
Pokémon Go and its augmented reality pocket monster capturing has taken the world by storm. This week we discuss if AR has finally hit critical mass and general acceptance.
Merge Conflict 0: Merge Conflict
July 11th, 2016 | 25 mins 50 secs
merge conflict, podcast
Welcome to Merge Conflict, a weekly discussion around all things development, technology, and more.
Merge Conflict 1: Build up to an app release
July 11th, 2016 | 47 mins 11 secs
app release, apple, google, mobile development, xamarin
You have spent months or years developing an app, but now you are at that last 5%. Frank & James walk through the last steps before launch day.