Merge Conflict
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
455 episodes of Merge Conflict since the first episode, which aired on July 11th, 2016.
307: All in on .NET MAUI
May 23rd, 2022 | 46 mins 59 secs
.net maui, android, dotnet maui, icircuit, ios, mac, maui, migration, xamarin
.NET MAUI is here, and Frank is all in on building apps with it! He has started to migrate his apps and shares his journey!
306: How to Contribute to OSS
May 16th, 2022 | 39 mins 1 sec
.net maui, ai, bindings, c#, csharp, dotnet maui, dotnetmaui, ml, xamarin
Frank had his first PR merged into iOS and macOS for .NET! We explore his journey to getting it accepted
305: Breaking Your Own APIs
May 9th, 2022 | 35 mins 46 secs
.net maui, android, billing, dotnet maui, in app billing, ios, maui, xamarin
When is the time to make breaking changes that could completely upset every single user of your library? James is in this situation, and we discuss his options.
304: Snap's Pixy... the future of drones?
May 2nd, 2022 | 34 mins 4 secs
android, drones, ios, mobile, photos, pixy, snap, snapchat, xamarin
A $230 drone... with no controller... with no GPS.... is this the future?
var num = 303; var title = $$"""Episode #{{num}}""";
April 25th, 2022 | 33 mins 9 secs
.net, c# 11, csharp, csharp 11, dotnet, dotnetmaui, maui, xamarin
C# 11 is coming in hot with some awesome new previews and we break down our favorite features.
302: .NET MAUI Release Candidate Is Here!
April 18th, 2022 | 38 mins 22 secs
.net 6, .net maui, android, dotnet maui, dotnetmaui, ios, maui, xamarin
It is go time with the .NET MAUI RC!!
301: Going Beyond ZSH
April 11th, 2022 | 35 mins 53 secs
bash, dotnet, fish shell, powershell, shell, terminal, xamarin, zsh
Where did my bash go says James! Well I am swimming with Fish over here says Frank! We explore what the heck is going on in terminals on all of the different operating systems and how to get them setup to your liking.
300 Episodes of Merge Conflict!
April 4th, 2022 | 1 hr 11 mins
.net maui, android, celebration, ios, maui, xamarin
We take your questions live on .NET MAUI, the state of mobile development, how to teach the next generation, and so much more!
299: Databases shouldn’t allow delete
March 28th, 2022 | 36 mins 47 secs
android, database, ios, sqlite, xamarin
Frank explains to James why and how he is doing databases all wrong!
298: The Great M1 Conspiracy
March 21st, 2022 | 36 mins 41 secs
apple, dotnet, ios, m1, m1 ultra, m2, mac, rumors, xamarin
Frank has a grand conspiracy theory when it comes to what is going on with the M1 Ultra and M2. We discuss why they glued two chips together.
297: The Ultra Apple Event Recap
March 14th, 2022 | 49 mins 47 secs
apple, apple event, ipad, iphone, iphone se, m1, m1 ultra, mac studio, mobile, xamarin
We have a full breakdown of the latest Apple event with M1 Ultra, new Mac Studio, iPhone SE 3rd gen, and a new iPad!
296: NSUrl, Security Scope, & Bookmarks
March 7th, 2022 | 46 mins 24 secs
.net, .net maui, android, dotnet maui, ios, macos, nsurl, security, windows, xamarin
Who doesn't love security? Who doesn't love security inside of the app sandbox?!?! We break down file-access and all of its complexity when building sandboxed apps for iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows!
295: Two ways to do the same thing
February 28th, 2022 | 35 mins 26 secs
android, apis, compatibility, ios, machine learning, macos, new apis, xamarin
What to do when there are new APIs that improve but don't deprecate old ones? Do you throw away your old code? Write compatibility layers? Or do you just keep on with what you have? We discuss.
294: Hello .NET 7, C# 11, and !!
February 21st, 2022 | 36 mins 41 secs
.net 7, c#, csharp, ios, xamarin
It’s here already…!!!??!!!! That’s right, .NET 7 is on its way with awesome new features.
293: dotnet-trace with dotnet-monitor through dotnet-dsrouter
February 14th, 2022 | 41 mins 32 secs
android, dotnet, dotnet-monitor, dotnet-trace, ios, mac, windows, xamarin
Measure, measure, measure with dotnet-trace a "new" tool that Frank has been exploring to make apps super performant.
292: Developer Guide to In-App Subscriptions
February 7th, 2022 | 57 mins 34 secs
android, billing, dotnet maui, iap, ios, maui, subscription, xamarin, xamarin.forms
James is back on in-app purchases and this time has a complete deep dive into all things in-app subscriptions!