Merge Conflict
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
457 episodes of Merge Conflict since the first episode, which aired on July 11th, 2016.
229: Selling iOS Apps on M1 Apple Silicon
November 23rd, 2020 | 37 mins 44 secs
apple silicon, ios, ipados, m1, macos, xamarin
The time has come! We can finally start shipping and selling iOS apps on macOS devices powered by Apple M1 Silicon! We discuss all the pros and cons and things you probably didn't think you should be considering.
228: .NET Conf 2020 & Apple M1 Event Recap
November 16th, 2020 | 1 hr 2 mins
apple, apple silicon, csharp 9, dotnet, dotnetconf, fsharp 5, m1, xamarin, xaml
This last week was crazy! .NET Conf 2020, .NET 5, Visual Studio 16.8, XAML Hot Reload 2.0, Xbox Series S/X launch, Apple M1 Events, and so much more!
227: Databases!
November 9th, 2020 | 51 mins 54 secs
android, desktop, ios, no-sql, server, sqlite, sqlite-net, xamarin
Let's talk about databases! SQLite, No-SQL, LiteDB, CoreData, and so much more! All the options!
226: Universal Custom Data Link Schemes
November 2nd, 2020 | 38 mins 20 secs
android, data schemes, ios, sharing data, xamarin
We are tweaking and tuning our apps past the beta summer with small fun quirks from Apple and Google.
225: Frank Got Catalyst for Xamarin.iOS Working!
October 26th, 2020 | 45 mins 1 sec
android, catalyst, ios, xamarin
You heard it! Frank Got Catalyst for Xamarin.iOS Working!
224: iPhone 12 is here with magnets!
October 19th, 2020 | 56 mins 47 secs
apple event, homepod, ios, iphone 12, magnets, magsafe, xamarin
That is right, we are back with another full breakdown of a lovely apple event. This time it is the Apple Homepod Mini and iPhone 12 event.
223: How App Updates Work
October 12th, 2020 | 42 mins 11 secs
android, database, in-app purchase, ios, migrations, upgrades, xamarin
How to app updates work, what do you need to know, migrate, and hook into? Or do you need to at all?
222: Cool New Tech
October 5th, 2020 | 46 mins 31 secs
android, drones, google tv, ios, lego, ring, xamarin
Drone cameras, 3d printing with pens, google tvs, and so much more!
221: Swift on Windows, Clean Code, and iOS 14
September 28th, 2020 | 42 mins 12 secs
clean code, database, ios 14, maui, swift, windows, xamarin
Now back to our normally scheduled lightning topics with awesome listener suggestions including Swift on Windows, .NET Maui, Database selection, clean code, iOS 14, and more.
220: Apple Event Recap - Apple Watch Series 6 & New iPad Air
September 21st, 2020 | 57 mins 33 secs
apple, apple fitness, event, ipad, new ipad, watchos 7, xamarin
We are back with a full breakdown of last week's exciting Apple event. We break down all of the highlights around the new Apple Watch Series 6, watchOS 7, Apple Fitness+, Apple One, and the New iPad Air.
219: Move over float, it is time for Half
September 14th, 2020 | 37 mins 10 secs
coding, dotnet, dotnet 5, half, half type, xamarin
Is it possible for us to talk about a new floating point time in .NET for 30 minutes and make it super fun? Find out!
218: The One About Blazor
September 7th, 2020 | 49 mins 18 secs, core, blazor, hybrid, mobile, spa, web, xamarin
The time has finally come! We talk about our favorite new web framework, Blazor!
217: Frank's Custom Identity Service
August 31st, 2020 | 44 mins 59 secs, core, entity framework, identity server, xamarin
Frank stands up against the entities of ASP.NET Core's built-in beautiful identity service powered by Entity Framework to do his own thing! How does it turn out? Tune in!
216: GaaS - GUID as a Service
August 24th, 2020 | 45 mins 4 secs
app development, guid, mobile, uuid, xamarin
Everything you ever wanted to know or didn't think you wanted to know about GUIDs aka UUIDs.
215: Model Intermediate Language
August 17th, 2020 | 44 mins 51 secs
android, core ml, coreml, ios, pytorch, swift, tensorflow, xamarin
We are back to machine learning and artificial learning, taking a look at the latest and greatest in Core ML 4.
214: Switching from Android to iPhone
August 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
android, app store, cloud gaming, ios, iphone se, switch, xamarin
After 11 years James has moved from Android based phones to iPhone running iOS. Let's talk about the good, bad, and ugly of the transition.