Merge Conflict
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
451 episodes of Merge Conflict since the first episode, which aired on July 11th, 2016.
Merge Conflict 34: Developing for macOS
February 27th, 2017 | 56 mins 51 secs
desktop, macos, xamarin, xamarin.forms
It is time to tackle the other desktop and brush up on our struts and springs as when investigate the ins and outs of macOS.
Merge Conflict 33: Prepping for Disaster
February 20th, 2017 | 42 mins 14 secs
backup, backup services, data, data recovery, machine backup, nas, sync services
Is your data ready for a complete disaster? We discuss why you should care about backing up your data and how to easily get started.
Merge Conflict 32: Building "Super" Computers
February 13th, 2017 | 40 mins 25 secs
computer building, computers, gaming, streaming, technology
Everyone should build their own computer! This week we cover the ins and outs of building your own "Super" computer from scratch.
Merge Conflict 31: One UI to Rule Them All
February 6th, 2017 | 46 mins 23 secs
android, cross-platform ui, ios, xamarin, xamarin.forms, xaml
Cross-platform native user interface? Pipe dream or reality? Frank and James debate the Pros and Cons of Xamarin.Forms.
Merge Conflict 30: The One with No Conflicts
January 30th, 2017 | 39 mins 20 secs
adversting, big data, lightning talks, mobile, search ads, shaders, tensorflow, xamarin
It's lightning talks week here on Merge Conflict. We cover six topics in under thirty minutes! iMessage Apps, GPU Programming, Tensorflow, and so much more.
Merge Conflict 29: What Developers Ought to Try in 2017
January 23rd, 2017 | 37 mins 11 secs
debugging, linker, linux, macos, xamarin
What better way to start 2017 than a crash course in fun new things for developers to start playing around with. We pick out our favorite topics that developers ought to know to try out in 2017.
Merge Conflict 28: Demystifying In-App Purchases
January 16th, 2017 | 52 mins 21 secs
iap, in app purchase, mobile, xamarin
What does it take to enable and test In-App Purchases in your application? We cover the ins and outs.
Merge Conflict 27: Coding Around the Globe
January 9th, 2017 | 43 mins 43 secs
coding, travel, xamarin
Frank is off traveling the world, but that hasn't stopped him from coding on the road. This week we take a look at being productive while away from home.
Merge Conflict 26: A Pinch of PHP and a Dash of JS
January 2nd, 2017 | 37 mins 46 secs
javascript, mobile, php, server, xamarin
Even though we love our world of C# sometimes we have to adventure into the great unknown to get things done.
Merge Conflict 25: #HolidayHacks
December 26th, 2016 | 37 mins 59 secs
arduboy, holiday, holiday hacks, iot, xamarin
The holidays are here and it is time to do some holiday hacking on things we wish we could have done this year.
Merge Conflict 24: Everyone Needs Extensions
December 19th, 2016 | 44 mins 26 secs
extensions, visual studio, xamarin, xamarin sudio
We love our IDEs and live in them most of the day, but it sure is nice to reach into their extensible frameworks and add even more productivity.
Merge Conflict 23: ORM or Bust
December 12th, 2016 | 54 mins 24 secs
database, nosql, orm, sql, sqlite, xamarin
Object-relational mappings, you can't live with them and can't live without them so you have probably written your own by now. When you need a database an ORM is a must and we decipher the need and implementations.
Merge Conflict 22: Designing Apps the Developer Way
December 5th, 2016 | 38 mins 8 secs
android, app, design, ios, material design, mobile apps, xamarin
This week we take a look at how we design mobile applications. We discuss designing for multiple platforms including the choice to design for the platform or use a custom app design.
Merge Conflict 21: Always Be Profiling Code
November 28th, 2016 | 40 mins 1 sec
best practices, development, memory, performance, profiling, xamarin
We seem to be addicted to refactoring code, but what about checking in on CPU and Memory performance and usage with profiling?
Merge Conflict 20: Lightning Talks Round 2
November 21st, 2016 | 36 mins 10 secs
.net, git, lightning talks, macos, mobile marketshare, xamarin, xamarin.mac
It is lightning talk week on Merge Conflict as we cover six different development topics in under thirty minutes.
Merge Conflict 19: Home Automation API Integration 2.0
November 14th, 2016 | 42 mins 39 secs
alexa, amazon echo, google home, iot, smart home, xamarin
James has gone and purchased a Google Home and now thinks he can fully automate his entire house, but can he wrap his developer mind around the new world of IoT in his home and get it all playing together?