Merge Conflict

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

451 episodes of Merge Conflict since the first episode, which aired on July 11th, 2016.

  • 144: Package Up Those .NET Core 3 Apps

    April 8th, 2019  |  36 mins 38 secs
    .net core, dotnet core 3, msix, packaging, store, wpf, xamarin

    So long Desktop bridge and hello MSIX, the new hero of packaging and distributing Windows applications (and maybe more). James walks through his new .NET Core 3 WPF app and how he stumbled upon MSIX. We also discuss what the heck it is, the downsides, the upsides, and the future of packaging up apps.

  • 143: It's a Services Episode

    April 1st, 2019  |  48 mins 3 secs
    apple, apple card, apple tv, development, services, tv+, xamarin

    Apple steps out of its element to announce several new services and a... credit card? What does this mean for developers, consumers, and the future of Apple? We discuss it all.

  • 142: Super Speed with AOT & LLVM

    March 25th, 2019  |  40 mins 1 sec
    android, aot, c++, compile, il, ios, llvm, xamarin

    What about performance? How fast can C# possibly be on the iPhone? What if we told you it is a 1 to 1 and Frank can prove it as he wrote a way of compiling C/C++ code directly to .NET Standard and then measured performance of C to LLVM to IL to LLVM to Native! We discuss what this all means.

  • 141: Visual Studio 2019 HYPE

    March 18th, 2019  |  41 mins 41 secs
    android, ios, mac, updates, visual studio, visual studio 2019, xamarin

    HYPE HYPE HYPE! It is almost time for a brand new version of Visual Studio with awesome new features including a brand new editor on Visual Studio for Mac. We also look at source control, first run experience, C# 8, .NET Core 3, and so much more.

  • 140: Visual Dreams and WebAssembly Wishes

    March 11th, 2019  |  43 mins 43 secs
    android, apps, heroes, ios, languages, webassembly, xamarin, xamarin.forms

    It is time for more listener submitted lightning topics! This week we cover Xamarin.Forms Visual, how we start an app, WebAssembly wishes, career languages, and chat about people we deeply respect and admire.

  • 139: Foldables == Tablets on Demand

    March 4th, 2019  |  40 mins 31 secs
    android, android q, foldables, galaxy fold, hardware, ios, mate x, tablets, ui, xamarin

    Regardless if you want a foldable phone or not they are coming! In fact they are here today with new devices from Samsung and Huawei! We give our thoughts on the foldable revolution and their impact on mobile application development.

  • 138: Organized Productivity

    February 25th, 2019  |  40 mins 1 sec
    android, desk, developer, home office, ios, management, marie kondo, office, organization, work, xamarin

    When was the last time you completely tore apart your work space and optimized it for full productivity? We are talking about creating a unique, organized, and happy work office that you actually want to come to every day. We talk about our recent experiences in creating a great work at home experience.

  • 137: Tweaking UI to Perfection

    February 18th, 2019  |  41 mins 38 secs
    android, animations, art, design, desktop, ios, mobile, perfection, ui, user interface, xamarin

    Platform Design vs Custom Design? Fancy Animations? Hours of tweaking and tuning the user interface? Does that really make a great application? It is worth all the work that needs to go these small tiny details? We discuss!

  • 136: I Love PInvoke

    February 11th, 2019  |  39 mins 36 secs
    android, binding, c++, interop, ios, pinvoke, xamarin

    When you need to get something done, sometimes you have to write some C++. Or sometimes you have no choice because you were handed a C++ library and why not expose a beautiful C# layer to call form your mobile apps. Seems easy right? We take a look at the why, how, and struggles with doing so.

  • 135: Aspirational Office

    February 4th, 2019  |  44 mins 39 secs
    coffee shop, desk, engineer, office, programmer, standing desk, work from home, work life, xamarin

    Is working from home the future or is it just a pipe dream? What is the correct setup when it comes to equipment and what issues can you run into? This week we take a look at our own situation and discuss the positive and negatives.

  • 134: SQLite On The Server

    January 28th, 2019  |  37 mins 47 secs
    android,, dot-net, ios, nuget, server, sqlite, sqlite-net, xamarin

    It is the 10 year anniversary of Frank's SQLite-net library and he has some huge improvements and feature in store. We discuss the past, present, and future of SQLite across all of the different .NET platforms and how you can drop SQLite-net onto your server to simplify web apps!

  • 133: Indie App Marketing

    January 21st, 2019  |  33 mins 30 secs
    android, app store, apple, calca, ios, marketing, promotion, xamarin

    Frank has some totally rad news! Apple is maybe, perhaps, almost, promoting his app. This has us thinking of app marketing and promotion for not only launching an app, but also when launching new features.

  • 132: The Life & Times of Frank Krueger

    January 14th, 2019  |  1 hr 10 mins
    android, career, development, frank, interview, ios, james, life, rit, xamarin

    It is a very special week on Merge Conflict as James Montemagno gets to sit down and interview Frank Krueger about his childhood, life, career, move to independent developer, and future plans. You do not want to miss this episode.

  • 131: Three Degrees of Freedom

    January 7th, 2019  |  29 mins 44 secs
    android, ar, mixed reality, mobile, mr, oculus, oculus go, virtual reality, vr, xamarin

    It's a slow start to the new year, which means it is time to talk about what we splurged on this holiday! Frank got himself a new Oculus Go, so why not talk about the state of VR, AR, and MR!

  • 130: 2018 Retrospective & 2019 Predictions

    December 31st, 2018  |  53 mins 56 secs
    android, c#, dot-net, dot-net standard, ios, microprocessors, shared projects, xamarin, xamarin.forms, year review

    It is that wonderful time of the year where we get to reflect back on all of the amazing stuff from 2018 and also give our 2019 (and beyond) predictions in the world of development. We also take your questions for our end of the year lightning topics including: C# features we want, .NET Standard vs Shared Project, Xamarin.Forms 5.0, Microprocessors, and learning languages.

  • 129: Never Nullable (Null Bad)

    December 24th, 2018  |  37 mins 2 secs
    android, c#, c# 8, dot-net, ios, nullable, nullable reference types, xamarin

    We enter the world of C# 8 nullable reference types! What does the migration look like? What are the benefits? Should you be turning on all the flags right now in your apps and libraries?